Physical Therapy for
Athletes With Scoliosis
Have you been told that you have one or more curves in your spine?
Do you secretly notice that one of your shoulders looks higher than the other or one of your hips sticks out to the side?
Do friends or family members keep reminding you to stand up straight (even when you feel like you already are?)
Has a chiropractor or another physical therapist told you that your hips are uneven and the solution is pulling on your leg or adjusting your spine... but none of this actually improves your pain?
Are you thinking that you just need to stop running, doing yoga, and quit weight-lifting because it seems like the only solution to scoliosis-related back pain is to give up your favorite sports.
If this sounds like your story
I hear you
I've treated many athletes just like you who went from feeling self-conscious, hopeless, and discouraged about their future in sports to participating in all of their favorite activities confidently and with little-to-no back pain.
There's nothing wrong with you or your body for not responding to treatments from other providers. Chances are those approaches didn't work for you because they aren't specific to scoliosis.
And what you need is to work with a provider who has specialized training in scoliosis and how curves in the spine impact your movement and cause pain.
And also a provider who knows how to help you overcome these challenges so that you can feel strong and unstoppable in your body again.
Having been an elite athlete who's overcome lots of physical challenges and having advanced education in management of scoliosis and scoliosis-related pain in athletes, I'm the provider you've been searching for.
Keep reading to see what it's like to work together.
The Schroth Method
An exercise-based postural retraining program that helps you to re-center your posture, reduce your pain, and improve your performance
The Schroth Method is a scoliosis-specific pattern of exercises that help you learn how to reposition your spine so that it looks and feels straighter. Bonus? There's a super high chance your pain will drastically improve ... if not go away altogether.
I earned my certification in The Schroth Method for Scoliosis in 2018 and have since guided hundreds of humans to improved pain and movement outcomes, feeling more free and confident in their body.
Here's what to expect when we move through The Schroth Method together:
First, I'll help you to make sense of the shape your spine takes with the unique type of curve you have.
Then we'll work together to establish new positioning techniques that meet the needs of your specific body.
Next, we'll work on executing these postural changes in different positions so that your brain can create a spinal posture that becomes your"new normal", looking and feeling more straight.
The result? Stronger and more effective positioning for your whole body that will increase you power and endurance as you move through life... and way less pain experiences, too.​
Postural Retraining in Sports
Sports-specific postural retraining strategies that reduce your pain and improve your performance
After becoming comfortable and confident with various elements of the Schroth Method that help you to maintain a straighter posture and offload the areas of your body that typically experience pain, you'll learn how to integrate these elements into sports-specific movements.
Think about squatting in your defensive stance as you work to stop an oncoming opponent, standing on your goal line waiting to dive as you block a shot, winding up to serve the ball in tennis or volleyball, or maintaining a tall and upright chest for all 13.1 miles of your next half marathon.
Whatever sport you'll play, we'll work together to design your sport-specific postural retraining program that goes far beyond the basic elements of The Schroth Method.